Contact Information:

Dana McFarland

From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


The Vice-President shall:

  1. assist the President in all matters;
  2. during the absence of the President, assume all duties of the President;
  3. chair the Job Action Coordination committee, in bargaining years; and
  4. develop and maintain external and internal communication for the Association, including managing the VIUFA website and generating bulletins, briefs and newsletters in both traditional and social media systems.


  • Attend Executive and General Membership Meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested by the President and VIUFA Executive;
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting;
  • Be a signing officer in relation to VIUFA’s operations; and
  • Attend Table Officers’ meetings.

1 Section of Release