Contact Information:

Amber Hieb
Local 2517





From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


  1. representing the Association at meetings of their FPSE Committee; and
  2. reporting back to the Association Executive about the activities and decisions of their FPSE Committee.


  • Respond to and assist VIUFA members in complaints and incidents relating to Workplace Health, Safety and Environment conditions at VIU;
  • Represent VIUFA Local 8 on the FPSE Workplace Health, Safety & Environment Committee (two meetings per year);
  • If available, participate in VIU and VIUFA supported committees, training and workshops;
  • Act as a member of the VIU Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee;
  • Attend Executive and General Membership Meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested by the President and VIUFA Executive;
  • Serve a two year (renewable) term; and
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.0 Sections of Release