Please note the following process if you intend to apply for an Assisted Leave (Professional Development Leave of Absence) during the 2024/2025 year in accordance with Article 12.4 of the Collective Agreement, which reads as follows:
Article, “In order to be eligible for a half-year or full-year P.D. leave, a faculty member must: have a regular appointment and at least three FTE years of VIUFA seniority preceding the commencement date of the leave.”
Please ensure you provide an email of your notification of intent to apply for a VIUFA PD Assisted Leave to Kamala Morgan ( in Human Resources, with a copy to the appropriate Dean, Director, or Regional Campus Principal, on or before Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at 1:00 pm.
Please note you must file your notice of intent by the deadline above to be eligible to apply for a 2024/2025 assisted leave.
Late notifications of intent will not be considered.