VIUFA Community Engagement Award: Nominations now open

The time has come once again to nominate a student for the annual VIUFA Community Engagement Award. This award will be given to two outstanding students ($1,000 each) who demonstrate exceptional citizenship within the University community.  It is disbursed annually by the VIUFA Executive (through the VIU Foundation office) following deliberations on candidates nominated by faculty. Nominations for students who fit the criteria are now open.  Please see the linked document for more [...]

2024-02-01T10:26:22-08:00February 1st, 2024|Member News, Front Page|

2019 Community Engagement Award Recipients

The VIUFA Community Engagement Award honours two students who display leadership in contributing to positive, inclusive, and forward-thinking campus life. VIUFA is pleased to award the 2019 Community Engagement Awards to the following deserving students: Choco Nguyen (Masters of Educational Leadership) is an international student from Vietnam who is an active community builder within the Faculty of Education. She was hired as a language tutor, but volunteers far beyond this scope. Choco advises [...]

2021-02-25T02:02:54-08:00May 7th, 2019|Front Page|

Congratulations Chantelle Spicer and Brian Azocar Brito, winners of the VIUFA Community Engagement Awards

VIUFA members are proud to have some incredible students in our courses. We recently honoured two students, Chantelle Spicer (Anthropology/First Nations Studies) and Brian Azocar Brito (Education), with the VIUFA Community Enagement Awards ($1000 each) for their commitment to making on- and off-campus communities better. Read about their wonderful work below. Congratulations Chantelle and Brian! *********************************** Chantelle Spicer is a double major in Anthropology and First Nations Studies. She has undertaken key sustainability initiatives [...]

2018-05-01T13:39:21-07:00May 1st, 2018|Front Page|
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