VIUFA motion and statement on Protest Encampment

May 31, 2024 To all VIUFA members and other members of the VIU community, On May 31, 2024, the VIUFA Executive resolved the following:  “That VIUFA divest from any and all investments, direct and indirect, in companies that are complicit in the violence, occupation, and dispossession occurring in Gaza and the West Bank.” The disastrous events in Israel and Gaza over recent months have horrified the world.  The international community has been activated [...]

2024-06-04T13:44:09-07:00June 4th, 2024|Front Page, FPSE, Member News, Social activism|

Position Statement re: Sexual Harassment on Campus

Several members of the Vancouver Island University Faculty Association (VIUFA) experienced sexual harassment by a student for more than a year. Harassment in the workplace, the Vancouver Island University (VIU) community, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.   Upon review of the facts, in consultation with the victims and upon review of portions of the investigator’s report, VIUFA takes the position that actions taken by VIU were neither reasonable nor appropriate. VIU focused [...]

2017-12-19T18:03:21-08:00December 19th, 2017|Front Page, Member News|
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