Contact Information:

Johnny Blakeborough (he, him)
Local 2265




From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

  1. ensure minutes are kept of the proceedings of both General and Special Meetings of the Association and the Executive;
  2. oversee the Policy and Procedures of the Association;
  3. chair meetings of the Finance Committee;
  4. ensure that notices and agendas of meetings of the Association are sent out;
  5. answer all correspondence as directed by the President or Executive;
  6. ensure that a Register of members is kept;
  7. ensure that all money paid to the Association is received and deposited in such bank or banks as the Executive shall direct;
  8. ensure that all bills authorized by the Executive are paid;
  9. give his or her financial report to the Annual Meeting;
  10. ensure that all financial records and books of the Association are kept; and
  11. ensure that all other Association records and books are kept.


  • Act as the Chief Financial Officer for VIUFA;
  • Manage VIUFA investments at the direction of the Executive;
  • Oversee the creation of and reports on, the financial statements for Executive and membership meetings;
  • Prepare an annual draft budget and present it to the membership at a winter general meeting;
  • Ensure the integrity, security and availability of all association records (written and electronic);
  • Attend Executive and General Membership Meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested by the President and VIUFA Executive;
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting;
  • Be a signing officer in relation to VIUFA’s operations; and
  • Attend Table Officers’ meetings.


2 Sections of Release