Contact Information:
Gara Pruesse
Local 2337
From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:
The President shall:
a) preside at meetings of the Association, the Officers and the Executive;
b) be an ex-officio member of all Association Committees;
c) have the deciding vote in the event of a tie at any meeting;
d) represent the Association at the regular meetings of the Vancouver Island University Board;
e) represent the Association at the regular meetings of the Presidents’ Council of FPSE; and
f) schedule a meeting of the Association Executive at least once per calendar month between August 1 and May 31.
• Uphold the terms of the Collective Agreement on behalf of the membership;
• Oversee the work of VIUFA and its Executive;
• Preside over and organize the meetings of the general membership and the Executive;
• Manage the VIUFA office, including supervision of VIUFA’s employees;
• Act as a confidential advisor and counsellor to all VIUFA members on all campuses;
• Be VIUFA’s representative to external organizations that promote the interests of academic workers (e.g. FPSE and CAUT);
• Be VIUFA’s representative in relation to VIU’s internal governing bodies;
• Be VIUFA’s representative with respect to VIU’s official social functions;
• Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting;
• Be a signing officer in relation to VIUFA’s operations; and
• Attend Table Officers’ meetings.
4 Sections of Release (2 by VIUFA)