Opportunity. Security. Respect.

An  increasing number of teachers at Canada’s colleges and universities are  trapped in precarious contract and part-time work. Contract and  part-time work has quietly gone from a short-term stepping stone to a  career-long condition. Many earn less than a living wage.

Thousands of professors are denied the opportunity each year to participate in (and be paid for) all aspects of academic work – research, teaching, and service. This has serious implications, not only for contract academic staff, but for students, their regular academic staff colleagues, and the integrity of post-secondary institutions.

We can change this, by improving the working conditions and job security of contract academic staff.

From 12:00 – 1:30pm on Wednesday, October 24th, Pat Meyer (the NRF representative to VIUFA) and other members of the executive will have a table display in the upper cafeteria.  We would love for you to drop by, have a cookie or chocolate, and share your stories of non regular and regular work at VIU.

Pat Meyer, RN, MN
Sessional Instructor
BSN Program
NRF Representative to VIUFA