Contact Information:

Melissa Stephens
Local 2367





From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


  1. chair meetings of the committee;
  2. attend meetings of the FPSE committee; and
  3. report on committee activities to the Executive and to general meetings.


  • Form a committee with a minimum of 3 VIUFA members (including the Chair), and meet at least twice annually;
  • Work cooperatively, as appropriate and feasible, with on-campus groups and local organizations, collaborating and partnering on activities that raise awareness of women’s and gender equity issues, initiatives, events and campaigns designed to improve labour dynamics in post-secondary sector and beyond;
  • Organize and support events and activities that address women’s and gender issues (examples: National Day of Action, International Women’s Day, Transgender Visibility Day etc.);
  • Remain cognizant of university, post-secondary, industry, and government policies that impact women’s and gender equity;
  • Work in conjunction with other FPSE women’s and gender equity committees;
  • Communicate and disseminate information about campus and community events that focus on women’s and gender equity;
  • Attend appropriate university and community meetings; for example VIU’s Sexualized Violence, Training, Education & Prevention Committee; the Positive Space Alliance; and the Canadian Federation of University Women;
  • Attend Executive and General Membership meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested; and
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting


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