Contact Information:

Sasha Koerbler (she, her)
Local 2502





From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


  1. chair meetings of their committee; and
  2. report on the activities of their committee to the Executive and to general meetings as required.



  • Endeavour to form a committee with a minimum of 3 VIUFA members (including the Chair), and meet at least twice annually;
  • Accept and organize grant submissions, and later inform recipients of approval or decline;
  • Chair a committee meeting twice a year for grant submissions and approval;
  • Act as liaison between the VIUFA executive and the VIUFA members on the Assisted Leave Committee;
  • Monitor budget for grants throughout the year;
  • Attend Executive and General Membership Meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested by the President and VIUFA Executive;
  • Support the administration of professional development opportunities as provided in the Collective Agreement; and
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.

1 Section of Release