Contact Information:

Katharine Rollwagen
Local 2800




From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


  1. representing the Association at meetings of their FPSE Committee; and
  2. reporting back to the Association Executive about the activities and decisions of their FPSE Committee.


  • Monitor institutional and government policy and recent trends in advanced education,
  • developing recommendations for advocacy in areas that affect their ability to provide the highest-quality education to students, such as Adult Basic Education and English Language programs;
  • Assess opportunities for the Academic Governance Committee to help guide VIUFA’s work on behalf of all members, from new technologies in distance learning to the challenges of indigenization in education;
  • Receive regular training and presentations on current issues and events (e.g. FPSE’s annual general meeting and Spring conference);
  • Attend Executive and General Membership Meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested by the President and VIUFA Executive; and
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.



From the VIUFA Terms of Reference:


  1. representing the Association at meetings of their FPSE Committee; and
  2. reporting back to the Association Executive about the activities and decisions of their FPSE Committee.


  • Monitor institutional and government policy and recent trends in advanced education, developing recommendations for advocacy in areas that affect their ability to provide the highest-quality education to students, such as Adult Basic Education and English Language programs;
  • Assess opportunities for the Education Policy Committee to help guide VIUFA’s work on behalf of all members, from new technologies in distance learning to the challenges of indigenization in education;
  • Receive regular training and presentations on current issues and events (e.g. FPSE’s annual general meeting and Spring conference);
  • Attend Executive and General Membership Meetings;
  • Represent VIUFA on other committees or at meetings as requested by the President and VIUFA Executive; and
  • Report at Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.

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