See Article XII of VIUFA’s By-Laws for a description of the various Committees.
Apart from the those listed under the heading “Executive”, VIUFA has the following Committees:
Committee of Personnel Stewards (Shop Stewards)
The function of the Shop Stewards at VIUFA is to administer the Collective Agreement. If a situation arises where a provision of the Collective Agreement is violated, then our Committee will move to stop that action and seek an appropriate remedy. You should contact your Shop Steward if you have a complaint and he/she will bring your complaint to the Chief Steward. Click on the following link for a list of the current Shop Stewards’ Committee members.
Contract Negotiating Committee/Bargaining Committee
VIUFA’s Bargainer (currently Jane Wodlinger) is the Chair of the two above-noted Committees. Prior to commencing bargaining with the Employer, a Contract Negotiating Committee is formed to meet with the membership and develop new contract proposals. They also oversee negotiations with the Employer’s representatives. The Bargaining Committee negotiates the renewal of the Collective Agreement.
Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (JOHSC)
This Committee has a mandate to advise, assist and make recommendations on policy and procedures which will improve the health and safety of faculty, staff, students and the general public while on VIU campuses. Two representatives from each union on campus (VIUFA, BCGEU and CUPE) are on the JOHSC. VIUFA’s current representatives are Amber Hieb and Robin Boxwell.
Professional & Scholarly Development Committee
This Committee shall seek ways and means of providing meaningful experiences to the faculty that will promote intellectual growth and higher morale, thus leading to increased effectiveness in teaching. The Committee consists of Sasha Koerbler (Chair), Carolyn Swanson, and Nicole Prent..
Women’s and Gender Equity Committee
This Committee shall work to improve the Vancouver Island University environment by addressing issues of concern to women. Eliza Gardiner is the Chair of this committee.
Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee
This Committee shall monitor the Vancouver Island University Human Rights and Harassment Policies and Procedures. It shall also identify and publicize local and international human rights and solidarity issues. The Committee will engage the University and regional campus communities in initiatives and events that promote diversity, protect equality, prevent discrimination, and educate on topics of social/global justice and peace. The HRIS Committee will liaise with campus groups and community organizations to support issues of mutual interest, and cooperate towards the preservation and enhancement of fundamental human rights on our campus, in our communities, and internationally. Vicki Nygaard is the Chair of this Committee.
University Budget Analysis Committee
This Committee will utilize available data to analyze budgetary and other financial decisions made by the University. The Committee consists of Jean Blackburn (Chair), Sylvie Lafreniere, and Chris Jaeger.
Finance Committee
This Committee advises the VIUFA Executive in its obligations and oversight responsibilities relating to financial planning and property affairs of the Faculty Association. The Committee consists of Johnny Blakeborough (Chair), Kathleen Bortolin, Brian Dick, Dan Baker, and Jean Blackburn.
Job Action Coordination Committee
This Committee is struck only during Bargaining years, with a mandate of developing communication plans, consultation with the VIUFA membership, and other considerations with regards to potential job action. The Committee consists of Dana McFarland (Chair), Johnny Blakeborough, Luke McLeod, Katharine Rollwagen, Imogene Lim, and Zora Soprovich.