
 Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is the assessment by some value and reliable means, of what has been learned through formal and non-formal education/training or experience, that is worthy of credit in a course or program offered by the institution providing credit.

 The assessment and evaluation of prior learning and the determination of competency and credit awarded will be done by instructional or faculty staff who have the appropriate subject matter expertise, but other staff may have a supporting role in the process.

 The work required for prior learning assessment includes but is not limited to:  classroom-based and individual advising; classroom-based and individual assessment, training and upgrading; development of assessment tools; and training in the use of flexible assessment.

 Training in Prior Learning Assessment:

 An employee required to perform prior learning assessment responsibilities as part of their workload, has a right to Employer-paid training time and expenses, in the methodology and application of prior learning assessment as necessary for the assigned task.

 Prior Learning Assessment Coordinators

 Prior Learning Assessment coordinators will be faculty or instructional bargaining unit members.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) assignments shall be provided on a voluntary basis as an addition to an individual faculty member’s assigned workload.  A PLA assignment will be provided by agreement of the faculty member, Chair and Dean.

An individual faculty member may accept PLA assignments for up to a maximum of ten (10) students and not exceeding 30 credits in an academic year (e.g., ten (10) 3-credit PLA assignments = 30 PLA credits).  Acceptance of PLA assignments for more than ten students or totaling more than thirty (30) credits in an academic year requires the written approval of the VIUFA Chief Personnel Steward and the Vice President, Instruction.

PLA assignments will be identified on the workload report and considered as part of the non-teaching responsibilities of VIUFA instructional faculty to be referenced in formal evaluations (Article 8.1).

The faculty member shall receive two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for each 3 credit PLA assignment.  One-half of this amount shall be paid to the faculty member on the first pay period following confirmation of registration and payment of PLA fees by the student being received in Human Resources and the remaining one-half shall be paid to the faculty member on the pay period occurring eight weeks after the registration and payment of PLA fees.  The faculty member will be compensated for the full amount whether or not the student completes the PLA process.

Where a PLA is undertaken for a course with fewer or greater than three credits, actual payment for each PLA assignment will be pro-rated.  For example, faculty will receive $83.34 ($250/3) for each PLA assignment for one student in a one-credit course; $125.00 ($250/2) for a 1.5-credit course; $166.67 ($250 x 2/3) for a two-credit course; $333.34 ($250 x 4/3) for a four-credit course, etc.

For the purpose of this agreement, where the PLA solely involves the administration of a challenge examination for the course, reimbursement shall be as follows:

  1. Pre-existing format (with minor revisions to existing assessment tool) $50.00
  2. Customized format (exam designed specifically for individual assessment) $100.00

Should it be known in advance of a semester that PLA assignments in an instructional area will likely exceed 30 PLA credits, the appropriate Dean of Instruction may, at their discretion and with the mutual agreement of the faculty member and the departmental chair, provide release time in lieu of payment to a faculty member qualified to accept these assignments.  Such release time can occur only during the academic year in which the PLA workload is assigned.  Release time shall be awarded on the basis of 30 PLA credits being deemed equal to one-hour of instructional workload release or 90 PLA credits being equal to one section of workload release (i.e., 1/8 of a full-time workload).

If PLA credits in an academic year are insufficient to warrant workload release, payment will be processed as noted above.

Three months prior to the expiry of this Letter of Agreement the Joint VIUFA-Management committee will review the implementation of this agreement, using data and input from the PLA Coordinator, Deans and the VIUFA.

The Letter of Agreement will be in effect for the period of August 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 and may be extended by mutual agreement.

Signed: June 22, 2001

Addendum to Letter of Understanding:

With the permission of the appropriate Dean, rather than choosing to administer individual assessments for one student for individual courses that total nine credits or more, a faculty member may choose to conduct one PLA Comprehensive Assessment for the outcomes of a block of courses that total nine credits or more for one student.

Reimbursement for a PLA Comprehensive Assessment conducted by one faculty member for one student is as follows:

  • $500.00 for the first nine credits and $15.00 per credit above nine credits.