The parties recognize the unique nature of IT work within the VIUFA bargaining unit may benefit from the creation of a specialized compensation model.  The compensation rates include Labour Market Adjustment as reflected in the 2018 IT Mid Contract Modification, dated March 20, 2018:

The Parties agree to the following:

  1. The current F1 Scale, incorporating the Labour Market Adjustments where applicable, will be the basis of a six level pay scale (Pay Bands A-F, set out below). All current and identified IT positions will be placed at each appropriate Pay Band.
  2. Each Pay Band will have four progressive steps. Each step is a percentage of the current job rate (see below Pay Bands A-F):
    a. Step 1 will normally be used for new hires who meet the posted qualifications of the position.
    b. A full time IT faculty member can normally expect an annual step increment on the basis of experience, as per Article 11.8.
    c. Temporary employees with initial appointments of less than five months will be paid at 75% of the job rate.  Temporary employees who are extended beyond five months will receive Step 1. Such employees are not subject to postings and can be filled at the discretion of management, as required.  Upon request, VIUFA will receive a report on the number, duration, placements and reasons relating to these positions.
    d. Temporary employees with appointments of more than five months will be paid at Step 1.
  3. Temporary employees with initial appointments of less than five months are intended for short-term use in covering vacancies or unanticipated leave backfill.
  4. Regular part-time IT faculty will advance through the steps proportional to their appointment.
  5. Step increments will be effective on the first day of the pay period following the date in which the IT faculty member accrued 1.000 FTE in the position they currently hold.
  6. Credentials earned after the hire date will not be considered a reason for a step increment.
  7. Current IT faculty members will be placed on the appropriate step based on the number of full time years in the position.  If the new step of their position is less than their current salary, they will be placed at the next highest step. If their current rate exceeds Step 4 in their Pay Band they will maintain their current job rate and not be eligible for general wage increases. Their increment date will remain the anniversary date when they started in the position.
  8. When an IT faculty member is promoted to another position within IT, either permanently or temporarily, the faculty member will be placed at the next step on the new position’s pay scale that is closest to their own without a reduction in pay.
  9. When an existing faculty member is assigned to or posts into a lateral position within their current group, the faculty member’s step or increment date will not change.
  10. New positions created in IT will be placed on the appropriate Pay Band after consultation with VIUFA.
  11. All general wage increases will apply to only the job rate (Step 4 of the Pay Band). Steps 1 to 3 and the temporary rate will be recalculated from the increased job rate.  Bargained salary increases will not change the faculty member’s increment date.
  12. Any layoffs in the IT department will occur at the departmental level, as per the Collective Agreement.
  13. This pilot will be effective from the date of ratification of the 2019-2022 VIUFA-VIU collective agreement.
Pay Band
VIUFA IT Group F + LMA ($20,000)
Step 1 (85%)$78,775.45
Step 2 (90%)$83,409.30
Step 3 (95%)$88,043.15
Step 4 (current step F1-11)$92,677.00
Senior DBA
Pay Band
VIUFA IT Group E + LMA ($14,000)
Step 1 (85%)$73,675.45
Step 2 (90%)$78,009.30
Step 3 (95%)$82,343.15
Step 4 (current step F1-11)$86,677.00
Senior Web Analyst
Senior Programmer Analyst
Senior Network/System Analyst
Pay Band
VIUFA IT Group D + LMA ($7,500)
Step 1 (85%)$68,150.45
Step 2 (90%)$72,159.30
Step 3 (95%)$76,168.15
Step 4 (current step F1-11)$80,177.00
Programmer Analyst II
System /Network Analyst
Web Developer
Pay Band
VIUFA IT Group C + LMA ($7,000)
Step 1 (85%)$67,725.45
Step 2 (90%)$71,709.30
Step 3 (95%)$75,693.15
Step 4 (current step F1-11)$79,677.00
Pay Band
Step 1 (85%)$61,775.45
Step 2 (90%)$65,409.30
Step 3 (95%)$69,043.15
Step 4 (current step F1-11)$72,677.00
Pay Band
Step 1 (85%)$52,284.35
Step 2 (90%)$55,359.90
Step 3 (95%)$58,435.45
Step 4 (8)$61,511.00
Programmer Analyst I