VIUFA motion and statement on Protest Encampment

May 31, 2024 To all VIUFA members and other members of the VIU community, On May 31, 2024, the VIUFA Executive resolved the following:  “That VIUFA divest from any and all investments, direct and indirect, in companies that are complicit in the violence, occupation, and dispossession occurring in Gaza and the West Bank.” The disastrous events in Israel and Gaza over recent months have horrified the world.  The international community has been activated [...]

2024-06-04T13:44:09-07:00June 4th, 2024|Front Page, FPSE, Member News, Social activism|

CAUT, FPSE and CUFA BC called for B.C. Minister’s resignation over political interference

Please note recent releases below from CAUT, FPSE, and CUFA BC. While the matter of concern related to Ministerial overreach has been overtaken by more recent events pertaining to the Minister, these statements have provided context to some media coverage. FPSE Statement on Resignation of Selina Robinson B.C. premier says Selina Robinson stepping down as cabinet minister over comments on Middle East | CBC News CAUT Media Release: CAUT Letter to Premier [...]

2024-02-07T10:04:39-08:00February 7th, 2024|Front Page, FPSE, Member News, News Releases|

Strategies for Preventing Zoom Bombing

Sadly, a zoom-bombing at an FPSE co-sponsored speaker event (September, 2022) has highlighted the fact that we need to be vigilant, and stand with our siblings in the labour movement, and with our friends, neighbours and coworkers, in the fight against race-based hate and injustice, and in support of civil discourse.  The FPSE Climate Action Standing Committee worked to bring to our collective membership two speakers from Nanaimo, one from the Snuneymuxw First [...]

2022-09-27T09:53:03-07:00September 27th, 2022|Front Page, FPSE, Member Resources, Uncategorized|

FPSE AGM 2019 Report

Stephen Phillips of Urologe Erektile Dysfunktion the Langara Faculty Association wrote a great summary of what occurred at Federation of Post Secondary Educators Annual General Meeting and Convention, held May 13-16 in Kelowna.

2021-02-24T09:35:15-08:00August 26th, 2019|Front Page, FPSE|

FPSE launches Open the Doors campaign

We’ve all seen how chronic underfunding of post-secondary education has affected our faculty, our students, and their families. Since 2001, per-student operating grants have dropped 20 percent in BC, and the burden has been passed to students and their families in the form of increased user fees, record levels of debt, and shrinking program opportunities. The provincial government tells us we can’t afford to invest in post-secondary education, and that some programs deserve [...]

2015-03-19T13:42:45-07:00March 19th, 2015|Front Page, FPSE|
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