VIUFA’s current Collective Agreement will expire on March 31, 2019, and preparations for bargaining have begun. Our Contract Negotiating Chair, Laura Suski, along with President Chris Jaeger, has put together the following presentation, “Introduction to Bargaining”. Click on the image below to view the presentation.
The presentation is password-protected with our usual password. If you don’t have the password, please contact the VIUFA Office Manager.
The Contract Negotiating Committee members are:
- Laura Suski (Chair)
- Sylvie LaFrenière
- Lynda Patterson
- Dan Baker
- Vicki Nygaard
- Chris Burnley
- Duane Weaver
- Clay Armstrong
- Bonnie Davidson
- Ahmed Hoque
- Esam Mustafa
- Matt Kellow
- Lem Mayona
- Gara Pruesse