The VIUFA Community Engagement Award honours two students who display leadership in contributing to positive, inclusive, and forward-thinking campus life. VIUFA is pleased to award the 2019 Community Engagement Awards to the following deserving students:
Choco Nguyen (Masters of Educational Leadership) is an international student from Vietnam who is an active community builder within the Faculty of Education. She was hired as a language tutor, but volunteers far beyond this scope. Choco advises and looks out for her classmates, and coordinates activities; for example, she organized a faculty-led workshop on a particular research approach when it became apparent that many of her fellow students wanted further information on the topic. Choco also organized and recruited students for a TESL certification program on campus. She volunteered her time on the “What Helps Me Learn” panel, and is a Peer Helper and ELC Conversation Practice Leader. This past year Choco was a part of the Indigenous Perspectives learning group. Off-campus, she volunteers at Loaves and Fishes.
Joel Hampson (SHAPE) is Chair of the Student Leadership Circle (SLC) for the Buy testosterone enanthate in USA Office of Co-Curricular Engagement and Learning. In this role, he organizes and facilitates monthly professional development workshops based on the VIU Graduate Attributes. He’s currently working on an e-book to showcase all the SLC workshops to date. Joel is President of University Christian Ministries, and has organized and run the campus-wide Easter Egg Hunt for the past 3 years. He also helped to organize the VIU Games through the Fun@VIU program.
Congratulations, Choco and Joel!